Myspace Q&A and interviews!

We’re on a roll with updates today! First of all we found this question and answer Willow did for Myspace- here’s a little preview, check out the full thing in our gallery!

Willow has also been busy doing interviews for a few sites and magazines- here are the links!

Interview with and facebook/twitter!

Willow just did an interview with about playing Prim- check it out! She does great!

And don’t forget to check us out on Facebook and Twitter! We’ll always announce the new updates there.

Twitter pictures & Interview with Vanity Fair!

Today we have another update, we are on a roll! For those who’ve been to the midnight premiere of The Hunger Games, didn’t Willow do an absolutely OUTSTANDING job?! We’ve only got to see bits and pieces of Willow, but she nailed every scene! Laura and I simply loved seeing her on the big screen! If you haven’t gotten a chance to go to the midnight premiere, we highly recommend to go and see it as soon as possible.
Anyways, now for the update. We’ve added 6 pictures of Willow we found on Twitter. Of course she looks as gorgeous as always!

By the way, we’ve also got an interview to share with you! Willow recently talked to Vanity Fair on how she’s handeling the hype and hysteria, if she gets recognized on the street and much more. Click here, to read it on the Vanity Fair website.

Nylon magazine and Walk To Africa!

Hello everyone, Laura here! Just a short update to share that I made some icons of Willow for you guys to use. Check it out here!
And also- Willow posted two pictures of her in Nylon magazine wearing Marc Jacobs– doesn’t she look beautiful? We added them to our gallery and we will add higher quality images when we get them!
Willow also joined in with “The Water Games: Walk For Africa” project- she’s such a caring young girl! Clean water isn’t available to everyone in the world and if you’d like to help check it out here!

Don’t forget to check us out on twitter!

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